JM Europe ltd. Privacy Policy

Effective Date: June 26, 2016

This site is maintained by JM Europe ltd. Protecting your privacy is important to us. You can visit most pages on our site without giving us any personal information, but sometimes we do ask you for identifying information to provide services that you request. This Privacy Policy (the “Policy”) explains how personal information about you is collected, used and disclosed by JM Europe ltd. (“JM Europe”) with respect to your use of this website (the “Site”), when you use our products and services (the “Service” or “Services”) and when you participate in promotional activities, surveys or other communications. By ensuring that you are aware of and understand this

Policy, we can provide you with better service. This Policy may change from time to time, so please check back periodically.

How we collect personal information and what personal information we collect JM Europe may collect information that can identify you (“Personal Information”) when you use our Site and our Services. We collect Personal Information when you order or request product information, or participate in certain promotional activities, complete surveys, and correspond with us, and when you use the Service.

This information may ltdlude your name, mailing address, phone number, e­mail address and other information required to provide you with our Services.

We may also automatically collect information when you use our Site and Services. This may ltdlude the browser you used to come to our Site, the Uniform Resource Locator (“URL”) of the web site that you just visited before visiting our Site, your access times, language, your usage and activity on our Site, your location, any search terms you entered, which URL you go to next, and your Internet Protocol (“IP”) address. We may use third ­party analytics, cookies and other online tracking technologies to help us collect information of users who visit our Site. We also collect information when you register for and use our Service, such as when you access the Service, upload and download documents, the type of documents our users upload and download logging activity, and user demographic information ltdluding gender, age, business title, and industry (“User Data”).

The User Data is anonymized and aggregated. JM Europe does not view or collect the actual documents or their content that is uploaded or downloaded in the Service. jmeurope only collects User Data from the Service. We may also collect Personal Information when you request and purchase additional services from us, such as background checks.

Finally, we may collect your Personal Information from other offline sources, such as when you call us by phone, visit us at an event, or participate in a contest.

Use of your Personal Information

JM Europe may use and share your Personal Information for various purposes, ltdluding:

● Browsing: To help run our Site more efficiently, to gather broad demographic information, and to monitor the level of activity on our Site

● Technical support: When you request technical support for your JM Europe Services information may be required so that we can identify your products or systems, understand the configuration of your products, diagnose your questions, and provide solutions.

● Online surveys and polling: When you volunteer to complete surveys or participate in polls, information is used to improve our products and services.

● Promotional activities: When you enter a contest or other promotion, to administer the program or activity, to send you promotional e­mail, notify winners and make the winners’ list publicly available in compliance with laws which may apply to such activities.

● Newsletters and promotional e­mail: As a service to our customers, we may mail to you (via e­mail or Postal Service) newsletters, promotional information and other information using your Personal Information. These mailings will only be sent to you if you have agreed to receive them and have not opted out at the time of sending.

● You may choose to stop receiving our newsletter or marketing emails by following the unsubscribe instructions ltdluded in these emails or you can contact us at

● Contact information: If you contact us, we may keep a record of your correspondence or comments, ltdluding any information therein. We use this information to help us provide you with better service.

● To administer and process our Services

● Generating statistics, measure our Sites activities, personalize your experience on our Sites, and detecting and preventing security threats

● Helping us develop and market out brand, products, services, promotions and advertising. Service ­related Announcements

We will send you service­ related announcements on occasions when it is necessary to do so. For instance, if our Service is temporarily suspended for maintenance, we might send you an e­mail.

Sharing your Personal Information

JM Europe may share personal information to third parties such as securities regulators, suppliers, service providers, contractors or agents (ltdluding our affiliates acting in this capacity) that perform services on our behalf such as processing and delivery of our

Services, customer relations, customer service, call campaigns, marketing, information technology and/or data hosting or processing services or similar services, or otherwise to collect, use, disclose, store or process Personal Information on our behalf for the purposes described in this Policy.

JM Europe (or part of it) or its related entitles could merge with or be acquired by another business entity or their respective assets could be acquired. Should such a combination or acquisition occur, you should expect that JM Europe would share some or all of your Personal Information to continue serving you and other users of our Service.

Occasionally, we may be required by law enforcement or judicial authorities to provide your

Personal Information to the appropriate authorities. We will disclose your Personal

Information if required by law, upon receipt of a court order or subpoena, or to cooperate

with a law enforcement investigation. We reserve the right to report to law enforcement

authorities any activities that we, in good faith, believe to be unlawful.

Protecting your Personal Information

JM Europe will store and maintain your Personal Information for so long as that

information is required for the purposes described in this Policy and for a reasonable period

of time thereafter in case we are required to confirm or verify such information. While

JM Europe does not guarantee that unauthorized access will never occur; jmeurope has implemented reasonable safeguards appropriate to the sensitivity of your

Personal Information, in preventing unauthorized disclosure, access or loss.

If JM Europe uses third parties such as service providers, JM Europe requires such

service providers to use similar safeguards to those used by JM Europe, and also

requires service providers to limit access to your Personal Information and to keep it strictly

confidential. Service providers are only permitted to use your Personal Information for the

sole purpose of carrying out services on behalf of JM Europe.

Your Personal Information may be stored and/or processed or otherwise used by or on

behalf of JM Europe both inside and outside of Canada. If a service provider is located

outside Canada, your Personal Information may be processed and stored in a country that

has laws that are different from those in Canada, and where the government (e.g. the

United States) may be able to obtain disclosure of your Personal Information under local


Invite User

If you provide us Personal Information about others, or if others give us your information,

we will only use that information for the specific reason for which it was provided to us.

Links to other web sites

Parts of our Site may contain links to our subsidiaries and third ­party web sites for your

convenience and information. If you use these links, you will leave our Site. When you

access these other sites, please understand that we do not control the content and are not

responsible for the privacy practices of that web site. We suggest that you carefully review

the privacy policies of each web site you visit. This Policy does not apply to the information

practices of those web sites linked to our Site. These other sites may send their own cookies

to users, collect data, or solicit Personal Information.

Customer Testimonials/Comments/Reviews

We post customer testimonials/comments/reviews on our Site which may contain personally

identifiable information. We do obtain the customer’s consent to post their name along with

their testimonial via email or other written method prior to posting the testimonial.


Our Web site ltdludes Widgets, which are interactive mini­ programs that run on our site to

provide specific services from another company (e.g. displaying industry news etc).

Personal information, such as your email address, may be collected through the Widget.

Cookies may also be set by the Widget to enable it to function properly. Information

collected by this Widget is governed by the privacy policy of the company that created it.

Contact Information

JM Europe ltd. welcomes your comments and questions regarding this Policy

and the use of your Personal Information, please contact us by e­mail at

Third Party Content

This Digital Presence ltdludes content supplied by companies that are not affiliated with

JM Europe (“Third Party Content”). Third Party Content may ltdlude prospectuses, fact

sheets and other information about investments; general news and commentary; interactive

tools; and data concerning the financial markets. Third Party Content may be available through framed areas,

through hyperlinks to third party web sites, or by simply publishing it on this Digital

Presence. Third Party Content is protected by copyright pursuant to United States laws and

international treaties and is owned or licensed by the applicable Third Party Content


JM Europe has not been involved in the preparation, adoption or editing of Third Party

Content and does not explicitly or implicitly endorse or approve such content. Neither

JM Europe nor the Third Party Content providers guarantee the accuracy, timeliness,

completeness or usefulness of the Third Party Content, nor are such parties responsible or

liable for any such content. Third Party Content is provided for informational purposes only

and JM Europe and the Third Party Content providers specifically disclaim any

responsibility for Third Party Content. You use Third Party Content only at your own risk.

Links provided on this Digital Presence to mutual fund prospectuses may resolve to the

fund’s summary prospectus, if available, or alternatively to the fund’s full prospectus.





Fraud and Abuse

You agree that you will not use this Digital Presence and its content to break any laws. This

ltdludes fraud and abuse laws.

Free from Fault

You agree not to make any claim against the Digital Presence host or its parents, affiliates,

subsidiaries, employees, contractors, agents, officers and directors. This ltdludes claims for

third party lawyers’ fees that might result from your use of this Digital Presence. It also

ltdludes claims related to any rights of a third party you might violate or laws you might

break in using this Digital Presence.